"Almost everyone I spoke to agreed that the Trump presidency has been a watershed not just for the U.S. but for the world itself: It is something that cannot be undone."
Yes, but Trump has been trying to undo nearly everything - just last night he appealed directly to the Supreme Court to repeal the Affordable Care Act - and erase Obama from history altogether. That has been his number one goal from the outset. That he is an insolent, ignorant, know-nothing with no interest in anyone or anything but himself and his own self-preservation has no meaning.
I can see a post-America America. It's already happening. The pandemic, along with shifting demographics, will change this country in the same way as the former Yugoslavia. New York, New Jersey and Connecticut are instituting a 'travel ban,' on people coming from states where the pandemic rate is climbing. Here, we thought California, Texas or Alaska would be the first to declare their 'independence.' It doesn't matter this 'law' is enforceable or what the penalty will be. It's a symbolic gesture to Trump (and Biden) that the status quo won't stand.