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American Implosion
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There are serious issues we need to deal with — inflation, Climate Change, a dropping market, rising interest rates, the never-ending pandemic, immigration, infrastructure, medicine shortages, a player almost dies in an NFL game and an aging population that will age out slower than the last three generations combined and now this.
Eleven votes, eleven rejections.
The Temper Tantrum Caucus, 21 of the most clueless, grandstanding know-nothings in nearly 170 years is holding “The People’s House,” hostage, because, well, they can.
This is the natural progression from Reagan feeding them the monkey brains in 1980 followed by N. Leroy, definer of civilization’s rules and leader (perhaps) of the civilizing forces, creating a chaos Congress, ending in The Great Penis Hunt of 1998 to Bush v. Gore to the Tea Party and now the Freedom Caucus, which is an oxymoron of the highest order.
Of course, it wasn’t supposed to be like this. Back in the fall, a ‘Red Wave,’ was supposed to swamp the Democratic Party like a 200-foot tsunami and McCarthy would have extraordinary power not seen since the days of Sam Rayburn and Tip O’Neill. Sixty, seventy, even 80 seats. They switched seven.
Charles M. Blow, writing in the New York Times, points out the modern template of this with Princess Dumbass of the Northwoods. “You could see the beginnings of the current iteration of this political extremism when John McCain picked the…