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Disaster in Detroit
Well, that worked out well.
From the format, which, should have been scrapped after Miami in June, to the insipid and uninspired questioning by the debate moderators, to the outdated messaging and attacks by the candidates directed at each other (and Joe Biden), the Democratic Party continues to misfire and cannibalize their own.
When you have a president* that has made a mockery of the office and made this country look like Goodfellas on speed as his calls for impeachment grow day by day and yet, over two nights at the ornate Fox Theater, was barely broached by anyone, even in passing and the most honest line came from a woman with no shot at all of winning, you have a disaster that plays right into Fat Bastard’s small hands.
“If liberals are so goddamn smart, how come they lose so goddamn often?”
That question, by an actor (Jeff Daniels), playing a fictional newsman (Will McAvoy) on a show about cable news (“The Newsroom”), is as true today as it was in 2012, when he spoke that line. There are many reasons why Democrats lose, but the biggest one is because they throw snit fits and hold grudges.
Outside of Lyndon Johnson’s landslide in 1964, the only times Democrats haven’t been bickering is 1996, and Obama’s two runs. Remember ‘Democrats for Nixon’ or ‘Anyone But Carter,” not to mention George Wallace, Ralph Nader and “Bernie or Bust”? Thought so. Speaking of Obama, he wasn’t onstage in Detroit, but he might as well have been.