I do hope that the Sandy Hook parents don’t accept a plea deal where Jones gets to make a ‘statement,’ lie his ass off, and then go back to being ‘Alex Jones.’ As far as your story goes, it’s not unique. I went to school in the 60’s and 70’s. Our high school was three grades, not four. One of my classmates married the Track/Cross Country coach, two years after graduating, another teacher had several ‘recently graduated’ students live with him while attending local colleges or working. I stayed after school one day, working on my homework and waiting for the basketball game to start and saw two teachers fighting in the hallway — over a girl they were both screwing. But no one knew about grooming or inappropriate behavior or predatory tendencies. No one had ever heard of the term ‘Pedophile.’ It wasn’t naivety, it was never brought up. Different times. No one brought a gun to school.