I migrated to Medium four years ago from WordPress (where I never got paid a dime). A friend, who's also a comic, had his blog incorporated onto Medium and he thought I could benefit from moving my stuff here. In the beginning, I thought it was a lot easier to format and get my stories 'published' than at WordPress. I have another friend, who is a published author, (so is the aforementioned friend) who wrote on here for a hot minute and then went back to his site.
I was on here for a year before I became a member. I now read and comment more than I write. I find it to be true of most of my friends who read my stuff. At the end of last year, my friend, the comic, migrated over to Substack (he writes a lot about his 94-year-old father).
That being said, the most money I made was $41 in 2019. This year, I might have made $3 so far. Maybe. See, its the 'big bucks' people who are on Substack. Richardson, Taibbi, Lucian Truscott, Olear, those are the ones who make the money. The rest of us, we just write.