Krugman, Friedman,(and his Karachi cab rides) Bruni. A buncha high-handed moralists. I just love it when these people start in on the rich. Like Mitch Albom. I have a friend who just had a birthday. His wife took him to a "Taste of Detroit," charity event hosted by Mitch for his charity. I warned him about Mitch. Kerry and Johanna are well-off, not rich by any stretch. Sure enough, at the last stop, Albom was there and Kerry tried to say 'thank you,' but Mitch ignored him. Look for a piece by me later this week about the blind spot media have towards the disabled.
Getting back to the NYT. There is a story told to me by a friend who is an author and speaker. In 1988, at the World Series, there was an overflow of media and some had to sit in the auxiliary press box - including Mike Lupica and the late, great Dave Anderson. Lupica was so offended (oh, the humanity!!!) and turned to Anderson and said "Don't they know who I am?"
To which Anderson replied, "they do and they don't care."
Have a good Sunday, Jessica.