Michael Cohen has Nothing to Offer
So, here we have it, fellow citizens, one Michael Cohen. He is not John Dean, Alexander Butterfield or even Jack Ruby (who, after all, just wanted to spare Mrs. Kennedy a trial — yeah, right). He is more Henry Hill or Joe Valachi. A man cornered, like a rat and trying to salvage his already ruined reputation. He will not bring down the Presidency, nor will Congress “impeach the motherfucker,” even if he should be. There is no John Doar to cut through the evidence and no Barry Goldwater or Howard Dean to walk into the Oval Office and tell El Claudio del Mar-A-Lago to leave. No George Beall to prosecute a Vice-President and force him out before the president. This is not Watergate. This is a loose confederation of people, of con artists with millions of dollars and Euros and Rubles who have taken a blowtorch to America over the past 40 years and this is the end product. No, it will be up to the people of this country in 87 weeks and six days to rid this country of at least part of the corrupt system and send a clear message that we are done with reality show politics.