One of your better pieces, Janice. Two things:
One of the jurors turned out to be a former Black Panther who knew Bobby Seal and, by luck or circumstance, wasn't in the house the night Seal was murdered. Another juror had an indirect link to the SLA (who kidnapped Patty Hearst). So, the anti-establishment 'stick-it-to-the-man,' bias was there. Yet another instance of the 1960s and how we'll never be rid of them until the last Boomer and early-Gen-X dies out in 40 or 50 years.
Also, in 2000, I was in New Zealand and watched a documentary (never shown in the US) asserting that OJ's oldest son from his first marriage was the killer. Which is close to the 'OJ's relative' theory.
Personally, I think OJ didn't kill her, even though I told a locally famous person the night before he'd be found guilty. Was he abusive? Yes. Jealous? Sure. But most men who kill their wives, girlfriends or ex's have been convicted of other crimes. OJ not so much. A lot to take in, right?