Member-only story
The Anderson Files — Bug Up My Ass Edition (and not many have to do with the Libidinous Liar)
10. So Boeing puts a new plane in service and doesn’t train the pilots. Or gives them instruction manuals. Really? What could go wrong? Oh, just a couple plane crashes.
9. Phones…Pretty soon, we’re all going to go back to landlines.
8. You want privacy? Take Facebook off your phone and tablet. Do you really need Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest and FaceTime? I got rid of Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest last year, took Facebook off my phone and disabled it on my tablet. Much less stress.
7. Alex Jones. Not buying it. Not for one minute. Psychosis, my eye. Just trying to save your fat ass.
6. Betsy DeVos. This woman is a menace to all that is good and pure in the world.
5. It’s March. And we’re playing baseball. Regular season baseball. Something got lost in the way to avarice. You don’t want to play the World Series in November? Bring back scheduled doubleheaders or shorten the season.
4. Brexit. Like a never-ending divorce. They’re doing this why? Oh, so they can act like arseholes again. Oh, and this is the perfect song for their boondoggle…
3. The Southern Poverty Law Center. Racism and sexism in an organization founded to fight both. It’s what happens when a charity becomes a business.
2. William Barr did what he was hired to do. But Orange Mussolini isn’t “completely vindicated.”
- Five hundred eighty six days.