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The Anderson Files — Pieces of April Edition
It’s April 30 and it feels more like January 30.
Yesterday, the Red Wings and Pistons both lost. The Tigers lost twice and the Lions drafted an offensive lineman. At this rate, I’ll be dead before any of my hometown teams wins another championship.
Being ‘under the influence’ used to mean you were either an alcoholic or drug abuser. Now, it means that you follow some snob on Instagram or podcast who tells you “I’m rich and you’re not.” More proof that we’re still in 8th grade.
It’s been a weird week for late-night TV hosts named Jimmy. And not in a good way. Kimmel interviewed whack-a-doo Mike Lindell, a former crack abuser (it’s still out there), who is still pumping The Big Lie about the election. Meanwhile, the other Jimmy, Fallon, over at NBC, (which used to have some guy named Johnny), decided to embarrass single people. My Medium colleague Shani Silver wrote about this as well. As I pointed out, more 8th grade shit. Makes one long for the days of the Dancing Ito’s.
The Super League. Lasted 36 hours. Made headlines, outrage and then mocked. But the breakaway clubs got what they wanted. More Champions League slots…