' the same Supreme Court that will, according to Lindell, decide “9–0” in favor of reinstating Donald Trump to the presidency sometime in August, or possibly September.'
I hope you reminded him that the Court isn't in session until October. Besides, I thought it was the 13th (a Friday, no less) when the last guy* was to be reinstated? These people will never stop in their delusional mindset of a fraudulent election. It will be when he's slapped with a decision against him for defamation and his business goes down the tubes.
This is democracy dying by a thousand cuts. Lindell isn't as savvy as Ford ("The Dearborn Independent"), nor as onerous as Aschberg, but a result of 40+ years of the GOP eating the monkey brains and the prion disease reaching the higher levels of functionality. (H/T Charlie Pierce)
No wonder Nixon and Hoover keep digging.