Twenty-plus years ago, I moved 700 miles to live with a woman who I thought loved me, brought a house with her and her then five-year-old daughter, (not because we were rich, but because she didn't make enough on her own, but with my guaranteed income from Social Security/SSI, 'we' qualified) got a low-income mortgage, brought a deeply discounted house for $55,000 and then, after almost bouncing her portion of the mortgage check, asked me to leave. Even after converting the house into a semi-disabled-friendly environment, with $10,000 local grant money, I found out, after I left that she had a boyfriend and then, unbeknownst to me, he had started moving in while I was gone to visit my family for a week. I ended up living in a Motel 6 on and off for nearly a year afterwards. I haven't spoken to her since 1999.