We're running out of fresh water. Not to mention oil and other resources. Of course this massive shift will hit people like me (disabled, living on Social Security/SNAP benefits/ Medicaid/Medicare/Section 8 Housing) first, but eventually, it'll become just like the short-lived show Revolution, where everyone will be impacted. Food will become scarce, it will be a continuous summer. You think it's bad now (100 F in Alaska), just wait a few years. All those dams and reservoirs are drying up. Lake Meade's waterline had dropped 15% in the past two years and that's on top of a steady decline over the past 20 years. The west and southwest will become increasingly more arid and uninhabitable as this decade goes forth. It is not inconceivable the area west of the Continental Divide will revert back to all desert before 2035. That's 14 years from now.