What you say is all true. Let me add, also, that these 'Grand Jury's' are also part of this as well. Georgia, after the first Grand Jury, empaneled a second grandy - after Fani Willis went before a judge in Atlanta and declared "Indictments are imminent." In January!!! As Jennifer Taub put it, "imminent died in the waiting room." Like Judge Smails says, "well, we're waiting..."
Also, the media. They haven't done their jobs in 50 years. If they had done their job, Reagan would have resigned, H.W. would never have been president, let alone his son, hell Ronnie wouldn't have been elected in the first place. Instead we have Chuck Todd ("the Chucktodd of Chuck Todd's," as my friend, the historian Michael Green likes to call him) who steadfastly refuses to ask the tough follow-up questions "because they wouldn't come back and I wouldn't have a job."
Hell, it goes down to your city government. Police need to realize that not every situation is tantamount to war and people have to realize that city council's and school boards need oversight as well. In most communities, especially suburban, a Mayor is just an honorary position. It's the un-elected city manager who decides and implements the agenda. At the end of 2020, city council in my suburban community raised the CM's salary by close to $40,000. Not a bad gig, eh?