"Winslet was born in England but her “Delco” accent is shockingly well-done, “Delco” being the nickname for Delaware Country, Pennsylvania, a suburb of Philly that is also its own small nation of wood-paneled bars and Wawa convenience stores. It’s a part of the country where ‘water’ is pronounced ‘wooder.’"
The production company hired a dialect coach to teach Winslet 'Delco.' I read an interview with Winslet where she compared Delco to the Irish accent. Every region has an accent. I'm from Michigan. We have party stores, drink pop and make 'Michigan Left's.' I remember the first time I went on the East Coast and asked for a 'pop.' I got something red. I said, 'this isn't Coke.' The waitress said, 'You want a soda.' Small words, big difference 500 miles apart.