This came up on my Face-Meta page two days ago, which I wrote that terrible morning after:
“OK, Trump voters…this is what I have to say to you. Congratulations, you won. In doing so, you have elected the most unqualified blowhard in history. You have elected a man who will tear up everything and then walk away and say, “hey, don’t look at me.” You have given Paul Ryan and McConnell a rubber stamper-in Chief. In doing so, you have undermined not only my life, but everyone who you know and care about.
There is a Chinese proverb that says “When plotting revenge, it’s best to dig two graves.” Remember that when your social security checks stop coming, when you have no Medicare, Medicaid, when your local public schools become privatized, when there’s no more safe drinking water, clean air or food inspectors. When Florida disappears, when the West becomes a uninhabitable desert, when the whole social fabric of this country is torn apart because of what you just did, dig that second grave.
This, from a friend: “Whatever is loose in America — call it fear, call it entitlement, call it racism — is stronger than anything Nate Silver can measure. That’s what won. That’s why the GOP controls the senate. It’s inexplicable and it’s ugly. I’m not sure Joe Biden beats Trump last night. I know Bernie Sanders doesn’t. I don’t even think Barack Obama does.”